Arunachal Pradesh, the largest northeastern state of India is also known as the land of dawn-lit mountains sprawling along the Himalayas. The state lies between the latitudes of 26 degrees 40’ and 29 degrees 25’ north and between the longitudes of 91 degrees 35’ and 97 degrees 25’ east. The state expands over an area of 83,580 square kilometers of the Indian subcontinent.
Arunachal Pradesh, the phenomenal land of orchids and dawn-lit mountains is the largest state of North East India. The state is significant of its topography and vegetation. The state shies away from rest of the parts of northeast and is an introvert when it comes to tourism. It is surrounded by the territories of Assam and Nagaland to the south; Bhutan in the west; Myanmar in the east; and China in the north.